History of Lowell

Who was James Russell Lowell?
Lowell Elementary School was named after James Russell Lowell (1819–1891). Lowell was a Harvard College and Harvard Law School graduate and is best known as an American Romantic poet and a member of a group of New England writers known as the “Fireside Poets”. The group was called “Fireside Poets” because their poems were written in such a way that made them easy for families to read and share while sitting at their fireside. Early on in his adult life, Lowell was active in the movement to abolish slavery and for a time was the editor of an abolitionist newspaper. For 20 years during his mid-life, Lowell was a professor of languages at Harvard. Late in his life, Lowell was appointed to the ambassadorship to Spain.
In the 2015-2016 school year, we celebrated 100 years of service to the students and families of our community. We’d like to invite you to share your stories, photos, and artifacts about our school!
Please use the submission form above to let us know of any stories, photos, and/or artifacts that you would be willing to share with us or let us copy. If visiting our website is not possible, please give us a call at (608) 204-6600. Thank you for helping us celebrate Lowell!
1916 - now: "New Irving School" to "Lowell Elementary"
Lowell 100 in the News
Lowell Elementary in Madison celebrates 100 years (WKOW)
Madison's Lowell Elementary celebrates 100 years on Sunday (Channel3000)
Madison's Lowell Elementary celebrates 100 years (Channel3000)
Lowell Elementary School celebrates 100 years (Wisconsin State Journal)