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Principal's Corner
Welcome, Lowell Elementary families!
My favorite thing about serving as principal at Lowell is the opportunity to witness the joy and energy that children bring to our classrooms, playgrounds, and hallways. Our Lions shine with a brilliance that is inherent in everything they do. We are learning every day—while we read, while we play, while we talk together, and while we problem-solve. What a privilege it is to see these minds at work!
Throughout their time here, Lowell Lions all learn about our Pillars of Power. The first is Community—we teach our Lions what it means to support their own learning and the learning of others. Our second pillar is Leadership—we ask Lions to think about how they can do the right thing, even if they have to do it by themselves, and especially when no one is watching. Our third pillar is Discipline—we encourage students to use their (abundant!) energy for good things.
Lowell staff is dedicated to ensuring that all students, from 4K to 5th grade, receive a high quality and culturally relevant education. We have excellent teachers, support staff, custodians, and food service workers who strive to create a safe and welcoming environment for all learners and families. We work collaboratively as a staff and with our community to differentiate instruction, elevate experiences, foster joy, and ensure that every student thrives.
Your children’s safety and well-being is our highest priority. We know that educating your students is a big, big job and we are ready, every day, to get to work. We invite you to partner with us, by reading with your children at home, volunteering at Lowell, visiting the classroom, reaching out to your child’s teachers, or serving the community. We are, most certainly, stronger together. Please feel free to stop by the office and introduce yourself or call (608) 204-6613 or email elfranzone@madison.k12.wi.us anytime.
Ellen Franzone
About MMSD
The Madison Metropolitan School District is the second largest school district in Wisconsin and serves over 27,000 students in 52 schools. The district covers approximately 74 square miles including all or part of the cities of Madison and Fitchburg.